We Play Full Out with Bart and Sunny
Welcome to We Play Full Out – where high-achieving entrepreneurs, spouses, and parents Bart and Sunny bring you real talk on showing up fully in business, marriage, family, and life!
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We Play Full Out with Bart and Sunny
Struggling to Believe In Yourself? Do This!
Self-doubt—it’s the battle every entrepreneur, artist, and leader faces, yet no one likes to talk about it. In this episode of We Play Full Out, Sunny and Bart dive into the raw truth about self-doubt and the hidden traps that keep entrepreneurs stuck: procrastination, overwhelm, and shiny object syndrome.
They share personal insights inspired by Tyler Joseph of Twenty One Pilots, who recently revealed his struggles with crippling doubt while creating Scaled and Icy. Despite the battle within, he pushed through—and so can you.
Learn how to recognize self-doubt for what it is, break free from the traps holding you back, and surround yourself with clarity, support, and momentum. Plus, get an inside look at the upcoming Epic Execution Challenge—the ultimate tool to help you execute your goals in 2025.
Join right now for free (Jan 10-12th): www.epicexecutionchallenge.com
If you’ve ever questioned your abilities or felt paralyzed by fear, this episode is for you. Tune in and discover how to create anyway.
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Welcome to. We Play Full Out with Bart and Sunny Miller. Take it away, Sunny.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm going to do that today. Let's do it All right. So we're going to just jump right into this. Imagine this Bart, You're leading the charge, the one everyone looks to for answers, confidence and inspiration.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:The one everyone looks to for answers, confidence and inspiration, but deep down, you're drowning in doubt, questioning everything you create. That is exactly where Tyler Joseph of 21 Pilots found himself while he was creating his 2021 album Scaled and Icy, and so I was scrolling yes, I have 21 Pilots pop up a lot in my Instagram feed, but I was really what's the word I want? Like taken aback a little bit by a post that he made, but in a good way so, and I shared that with you.
Speaker 2:It's a reel where he's talking about how much self-doubt and self-defeating things were literally torturing him while he was making that album and he was just feeling like nothing he was creating was good, it was all bad, nothing was going to work. And as I was thinking about it, I think a lot of it is because the Scaled and Icy album it's like a whole different angle and almost music type than what they'd been previously creating.
Speaker 2:Like it followed a really cool storyline yeah but in doing that, like if you were to listen to 21 Pilots and not know the story and then listen to the album, you'd be like that is not their sound, like what are they doing, right, you know? So it's like one of those fearful things I think, as creatives or as leaders, when you like try something new and different. It's very scary.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that imposter syndrome, I think, is what you call it a lot and then you call the um. It's not the demon.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to think of the right word that you call it Shadow side, the predator side, you know, and man, obviously I never get it in my life I don't know anybody, never, right but I think it is something that we don't spend enough time sometimes really thinking about. So I'm glad you're bringing this up because most definitely something I have fought in my life and dealt with and as we've trained on this in our magnetic program and other programs, every time I go through it I'm like thank you for going through that one more time, because it can get really loud sometimes.
Speaker 2:It really can, and as I sit back and a lot of times obviously I'm kind of in the background and I let you take all that on. But when there are times when I'm like a little bit ready to step forward, I am amazed at how hard it is to believe in yourself.
Speaker 1:Yeah and I just want to bring this up because I think it's important is, this can be not just in business. This can be in every aspect of your life that you want to try something new, you'd want to adventure, and what's what's interesting is I see it a lot in couples and it's like they don't want to talk about certain things because if they bring up that they want to do X, y, z, they don't know the reaction that their significant other is going to give them, but they have a preconceived idea of what that's going to be. So therefore, it's like maybe I won't bring this up because it might be the wrong timing and this would happen. So let's just give an example, for you know, those that are listening right now. But let's say, for instance, I really wanted to take Sunny to Japan, but I knew finances were tight, I knew that she was stressed out, I knew she was launching something new, but, like it's been on my mind, I see something and I get this imposter syndrome of like she would hate Japan, like she wouldn't want to do that, the timing's off, there's all these things.
Speaker 1:So then I just sit and beat myself up instead of just saying, hey, I had this crazy thought. You know we're in all this stress, where all these things going on. You've mentioned it before. What if we just booked a trip to Japan? You know, it's like I just I just avoid it, I let the demons sit inside of me instead of bringing it up. You know, and that's a simple example, but just like just an example, to kind of figure out how this creeps in, instead of just being like it's okay, like if she says no, it's totally fine, if it doesn't work, it's totally fine. But I just had this prompting and I want to act upon it, and I think sometimes the imposter syndrome is something that, honestly, can be a good thing. It's pushing us to recognize something, but yet at the same time it's very nagging and so we just we, it can be defeating. So anyway, I won't get much more into it, but thanks for bringing this topic up so good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so that's a good point too. Like I'm kind of taking the entrepreneurship angle, but it's true it does show up in relationship and even in just things you want to go do for fun. For example, we were going to play pickleball yesterday and I was sharing with you how I feel resistance every time we go to play yeah it's like I don't know what that is like.
Speaker 2:I know I'm gonna have fun when I get there, but it's the fear of stepping onto the court, of who I'm gonna be up against, of like yep, am I gonna play well, is it? Gonna be up against of like am I going to play well, Is it going to be hard? Do I have the energy for it? Totally, you know it does.
Speaker 1:It shows up in so many ways in our life getting to the gym, going to play pickleball, roping for me, entering a bike race. You know all sorts of things. We fight this, you know, and if you're not doing great, it seems to compound for some reason. It's like I told you it wouldn't work. Yeah, you know, you tried and you failed, so why would you try again? You know all these things.
Speaker 2:And I think the I guess probably the biggest thing I don't know the best reframe or perception shift or even perception you can have of this is that everybody feels it. We all seem to think we're alone, like I'm self-doubting myself. I'm going to stand up, I'm going to give a talk, I'm going to hey, I did a fairy tale story at our event. I'm like this is so weird. People are going to look at me like I'm a total idiot, but I'm like no, I'm just going to do it anyway. Just going to do it anyway. And it went really well. Yeah, so it's like we all feel it. But the game changers, the dreamers, the rock stars, anybody who's even just out there in front of people, all wrestle with self-doubt Amen. But what makes them different is they don't let it stop them.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:And I've. I've kind of had to like compartmentalize that of like okay, I see you, but I'm doing it anyway, Even if it's a flop, I don't care, I'm just doing it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think another thing too on that note is is having people that help you recognize it and push you through it with you, like in a good way, you know, and I think that's a big deal. And having accountability and people around you that are like, no, I see more in you, accountability, and people around you that are like, no, I see more in you. And so what, let's reframe this this way instead of framing it the way you've got it framed right now. What if we set it this way and reframe this to you? Then it's like this imposter syndrome has no power over you because you're reframed it in a totally different way that you're looking at it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know which is also what we teach in magnetic yeah, and we've got another thing we're going to talk about that helps break through that as well. But that is also why I'm very grateful, obviously, for you, because I do get into my head a lot and you're really good about pulling me out of it.
Speaker 1:Vice versa. We're a good team in that.
Speaker 2:So, when you hear that little voice trying to hold you back, I think one of the big things is what is it you want to accomplish? Because you'll have more regret if you don't do it than if you do recognize it, share it. If you have somebody you can share it with and keep going. So you know, the world needs only what you, what you can bring. We all think that somebody else brought it, but they need you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and another thing I would say too in that note is is this is the thing the mistake I made for years was not recognizing it. Yeah, and what's interesting is is when I shined a light on it, it wasn't as strong and we talk about that also but like it's just absolutely going oh you're there, oh my gosh, hey, partner, you know, like let's, let's address you for really quick. You know, thank you for being here, Thank you for wanting to protect me, Thank you for you know these things, but right now, I don't need you in this aspect, so I'm going to reframe this. Anyway, keep going.
Speaker 2:So good it is, and I think a great start to the new year is really dialing in what is it I want to create and really bringing it forth. So even you know, let us know if you're listening to this podcast or if you're reading the newsletter. Let us know what you're going to create this year, this week, this day.
Speaker 1:Or if you're fighting this and you need help, let us know.
Speaker 2:Okay, now this is really cool. This is the first time we've ever launched the Epic Execution Challenge. Yeah, I'm so, so excited and I kind of thought this was the perfect lead into the challenge, because self-doubt is real. We've just established that, and one of the ways you can really break through that is by taking action and having people surround you that believe in you.
Speaker 1:Or, as a cowboy would say, get shit done.
Speaker 2:Yes, a cowboy would say that. Oh, a cowboy just did say that yeah baby.
Speaker 1:That's just what we got to do Get shit done. Even if it's go clean the corrals and get the manure out, it's got to happen. Let's go clean the corrals and get the manure out. It's got to happen.
Speaker 2:Well, and the interesting thing too is, you know, I found that sometimes, when you're in despair, like you're really freaked out. Maybe you're stressed about money, maybe you're stressed about your business or your family or whatever the best antidote for that is action. Just get taking action and you'll find things work out.
Speaker 1:Yep Agreed.
Speaker 2:So you know, as entrepreneurs, we don't just face self-doubt, we also battle procrastination, overwhelm, shiny object syndrome never heard of that one and spinning our wheels on tasks that don't move the needle.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:And I've done that a lot, Like I stay super busy, but am I actually doing something that's making a difference, or am I avoiding those things? Yep, so then there's also here's another fun one. It's like we think we need more knowledge.
Speaker 1:We're not smart enough, or we?
Speaker 2:don't have the gold nugget, or we don't have the tactic or the strategy. So we buy courses, we buy books, we listen to podcasts, we go to events and dah, dah, dah, dah dah, but then we don't do anything with that knowledge.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:So we don't need more information, yep.
Speaker 1:We need more implementation.
Speaker 2:Let's go. And the interesting thing, also about entrepreneurs, is that we generally know what we need to do. We're just not doing it For some reason. The tasks that are going to move the needle are the ones we avoid, so we created this epic execution challenge.
Speaker 1:Or get shit done.
Speaker 2:And we are going to knock some stuff out so you can get crystal clear on your goals for this year, for your next 90 days. You're going to build unstoppable momentum, learn how to turn big ideas into results quickly. I could go on and on. It's just going to be really cool and you're going to get a whole new network, if I remember right, it's, it's just going to be really cool and you're going to get a whole new network.
Speaker 1:If I remember right, it's free right.
Speaker 2:It is a free challenge. Yeah, it's awesome, yep, so if you want to jump in with us, it starts January 10th.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's the 10th, 11th, 12th, and it's only going to take about an hour of your day and it is going to be freaking, epic.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you get to go through a process that Sonny and I have done for years, which has helped us, which has helped multiple people that we've had the privilege to coach, so we're really excited to share it with the world and we feel like it needed to be free, even though we could have charged $7, whatever we feel like. If you get there, you'll spread the word on how powerful this was and we get a lot of people on track, which is a gift from us to the world, and I love giving back, and so I think it's a real give back for us. I'm excited about that and to really show people how we've accomplished big things in our life by going through this process.
Speaker 2:Yep. So if you want to sign up epic execution challengecom, there it is. Once again, it's free, but jump in. It's going to be fast-paced fun and epic I don't know. Let's go, let's go. Okay, so some life updates. We have a lot because it was Christmas and then it was New Year's, so I would say Christmas was really fun for us.
Speaker 1:Really fun.
Speaker 2:Sometimes Bart and I get a little bah humbuggy about Christmas and all the things that entails, but you know, when we sit back and look, it's an excuse for family to come together.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so good so our daughters were there.
Speaker 2:Their husbands were there. We got to spend a lot of good quality time. Baby Lila was there.
Speaker 1:Xander was there.
Speaker 2:Xander was there. So it was amazing. Yeah, xander was there. Xander was there. So it was amazing, yeah. And then my little sister randomly asked Xander if he wanted to join their family in Arizona for almost two weeks. They were leaving the day after Christmas, going to be home in a couple of days, and he actually wanted to go. So we looked at each other and said, hey, what should we do? We have no child here.
Speaker 1:And we have an amazing live in quarters and amazing horses. And I have had a goal for years to get my healing game on. And so we decided we were going to come to the sunshine of Arizona ourselves, about an hour out of Phoenix, to a little town called Wickenburg. And so we got into Wickenburg and man, did we have a drive the day we left. Our weather was absolutely nasty and we drove in a lot of crappy, crappy weather for a long time.
Speaker 2:We're talking like semi off the road, cars off the road, snow, ice slush.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and then we were super tired. So we stopped in St George, utah, and we have some great friends there and Sarah Carter and Brett and we stayed at their house for one night, got up the next day, enjoyed some amazing time with them, had an amazing breakfast, and then we loaded our horses back up we started on the five hour journey to Wickenburg.
Speaker 2:It felt like 12 hours. We got in here because of Christmas.
Speaker 1:We got set up, went to bed, got up the next morning and got after it. Then I found out I had an airbag loose on my pickup truck. So Wickenburg tires saved the day again.
Speaker 2:Cody big shout out to you there within a month.
Speaker 1:Crazy, yeah. So got the airbag back on and secured so that we could use it on the way home and just been absolutely having a great time. The greatest time for me is sharing time with friends and learning from their skills and me using my skills to teach them at the same time. So had some amazing conversations with their young man, jaden, and then we have just really worked on perfecting my healing and that's been a lot of fun. And we had an amazing New Year's party. We got to surprise one of our friends that lived here that had no idea that we were coming into town, and we surprised them as a Christmas gift. And uh just, I don't know. We've just been having a lot of fun. We've played a lot of pickleball we're undefeated pickleball players in Wickenburg so far and uh just, I don't know what else we've done. I don't know what else we've done, but we've danced, we've listened to bands, we have gone to some great dinners, we have a little coaching done some coaching.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we just had a lot of fun.
Speaker 2:I think the last thing I would mention here is the conversation we had around networks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, it was interesting. We went and visited a family acquaintance and then that turned us into meeting another person, which turned us into meeting another person, and we just find that there's so much networking that can be done when you're outside of your area. And the other thing that I find too, which is just something not to bore you to death, but when you go somewhere, the quality of time you spend is pretty crazy, you know, versus like in your own area you can, you can go talk, but you just don't have that like real, genuine quality time Cause you know you're going to pack up and leave.
Speaker 2:So good and I think, um, like, this place is so unique because, like you said, like you can drive down the road and there will be like five arenas off to the side, all stacked on each other, and people are out yeah and they're roping and they're having fun and they will welcome you in and they want to talk, they want to find out where you're from, they want to do all the things for the most part, and it's like such an easy way to just go get a new network is to get outside, go talk and spend time doing what you love to do with people who also love to do it.
Speaker 1:And it challenges your environment, which is awesome because, like you have to work in a new space, you have to work in different types of conditions. It challenges you to get outside your box and really look and say could we live in a trailer again? Box and really look and say could we live in a trailer again? You know, like as crazy as it sounds, you know it. It. It is a different way of living and a different lifestyle, but a lot of people do it here all winter long.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they do, and sometimes it's just nice to have that energy shift of like break out of the routine, go do something different. Sometimes it's just a reset.
Speaker 1:Yep, amen. I think it's great. We also got to take our little dog, dally. Yes, and this is his first road trip outside.
Speaker 2:And he is being a little champ.
Speaker 1:He has had so much fun, experienced so many things differently, so it's been fun.
Speaker 2:And he's pretty cute because he'll head out with Bart and he'll just go do his thing and then pretty soon he's barking at the door to be let back in. Yeah.
Speaker 1:He knows where home is. He knows where home is yeah, it's funny how those animals are just like humans. They, you know I can take the path, but he knows exactly where to come back home and where his bed is Pretty cool, it's really awesome.
Speaker 2:All right, that's a wrap.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So I would challenge all of you out there If you have imposter syndrome, don't let it overwhelm you. Understand what it is. Do some research on it. Do some research on it, read about your shadow side, get familiar with that and then set big goals. You know, and, like I said, there's some of them that aren't going to work out. There's some of them that are, but you don't know until you try. So get in there, dig deep, get after it, put a smile on your face and then change your environment up sometimes. Go different places, try different things, experience things, because life is an experience and the more experiences you have, the different things you get to talk about and enjoy and just see.
Speaker 1:So I challenge you to do that and I just want a big shout out to Sunny for all the work she did for Christmas and all the work to come on this trip and all the things that working out of the trailer is different.
Speaker 1:Our internet didn't work for us the way we needed to, but she has just hit the challenges head on and just put her head down and kept going with a smile.
Speaker 1:We have some big new year's things for us as a couple and she has been working on those like crazy and they mean a lot to me and I hope they mean a lot to her and it's just been fun to watch the energy shift and her to just play full out and that's why we call this we play full out. If you don't think that Sonny and I have challenges, you're smoking crack. You know we are humans and we are trying to go to the next level and some of the things challenge you at your core I mean at your core and that's good, because then you can really find out who you are, what you are and just make a big difference in your life. So I'm so grateful for her and her outlook on things and just playing full out this entire week and going for it. So big shout out to her, big shout out to Dally, big shout out to the horses.
Speaker 2:Big shout out to you.
Speaker 1:And big shout out to Xander for going and experiencing for him. It's out of his box to go for like this and spend time and do the things he's doing, and we're just so grateful that we had this chance and opportunity and for you listening to this podcast. So, with that, get out there, have an awesome day. And this segment's brought to you by I do Epic.